Media button
v.1.0.0 | SaturnUsage
The name of the tokens object to style the mediaButton component is MEDIA_BUTTON_STYLES.
You cannot change the name of the tokens object.
There are two props that allow to modify different aspects of the component:
- Variant: modify the general styles of the mediaButton.
- Size: modify the sizes styles of the mediaButton.
Variants and sizes
Variants can modify the styles attending to the different sizes of the Media button.
The tokens used are:
- altVariant?: boolean;
- container?: CommonStyleType;
- buttonContainer?: CommonStyleType;
- icon?: IconTypes & { disabled?: IconTypes; }
- iconToTransition?: IconTypes;
- loader?: { variant: string; }
mediaButton theme object example:
const MEDIA_BUTTON_STYLES = { [VARIANT]: { [SIZE]: { container: { position: 'position', display: 'display', cursor: 'cursor', border_radius: 'border_radius', }, buttonContainer: {