v.1.0.0 | SaturnImport
import { Chip } from '@kubit-ui-web/react-components';
Let's delve into the versatility of the chip component by examining all its avalaible props.
Property | Type | Default | Description |
variant Required | String | - | Current variant of Chip |
state | ChipStateType | DEFAULT | state of the Chip |
label | ChipLabelType | - | Label showed in the Chip |
closeIcon | IElementOrIcon | - | Close icon showed in the Chip |
leftIcon | IElementOrIcon | - | Left icon showed in Chip |
errorIcon | IElementOrIcon | - | Error icon showed in Chip |
errorMessage | ChipTextType | - | Error message showed |
range | Object | - | Object to show a range inside the chip |
rangeSeparator | ChipTextType | to | String applied between labels from range Object- or like alternative text to range icon |
rangeIcon | IElementOrIcon | - | Icon applied between labels from range Object |
deleteText | String | Delete | Delete text applied before the label text |
dataTestId | String | - | Id for testing |
ctv | ChipPropsStateStylesType | - | Modify styles for the default version of the component |