Input Digit Sequence
v.1.0.0 | SaturnA type of input used to enter sequences of digits such as passwords or signature keys.
The inputDigitSequence component inherits its properties of the input component. For more information visit the Input documentation.
In Kubit Design System, users have the freedom to generate variants for each component according to their needs. While predefined variants are provided as examples, they can be modified or new ones can be added to align with the specific requirements of each project.
We have set this predefine style for its quick use, access them through the variant prop:
<InputDigitSequence actionButton={{ variant: 'ACTION_PRIMARY', icon: { icon: 'ICON_PLACEHOLDER' }, content: 'Show code', ['aria-label']: 'aria-label test', }} helpText={{ content: 'Help text' }} inputsArray={[ { blockedBySystem: false, ['aria-label']: 'input1' },
With the showDigitAfterWrite set to TRUE boolean prop you can set the input to briefly showing the digit, instead of the dot, during the writing.
<InputDigitSequence actionButton={{ variant: 'ACTION_PRIMARY', icon: { icon: 'ICON_PLACEHOLDER' }, content: 'Show code', ['aria-label']: 'aria-label test', }} helpText={{ content: 'Help text' }} inputsArray={[ { blockedBySystem: false, ['aria-label']: 'input1' },