Navigation row
v.1.0.0 | SaturnUsage
import { NavigationRow } from '@kubit-ui-web/react-components'
arrowIcon={{ icon: 'RIGHTICON', altText: 'arrowIconAltText' }}
text={{ content: 'text' }}
Let's delve into the versatility of the navigationRow component by examining all its avalaible props.
Property | Type | Default | Description |
arrowIcon Required | IElementOrIcon | - | Object with arrow icon properties |
bottomLine | Boolean | false | Show or not bottom line |
dataTestId | String | - | String used for testing |
decorativeIcon | IElementOrIcon | - | Object with decorative icon properties |
description | NavigationRowTextAndDescriptionType | - | Object with description properties |
extraCt | Object | - | Object used for update line separator styles |
iconHighlighted | NavigationRowIconHighlightedType | - | Highlighted icon |
lineSeparatorLineStyles | LineSeparatorLinePropsStylesType | - | Line separator styles |
topLine | Boolean | false | Show or not top line |
text Required | NavigationRowTextAndDescriptionType | - | Object with text properties |
variant Required | String | DEFAULT | Variant of navigationRow component |
onClick | MouseEventHandler | - | The event occurs when the user clicks on the element |
ctv | Object | - | Object used for update variant styles |