Selector box file
v.1.0.0 | SaturnInput for uploading one or various files.
In Kubit Design System, users have the freedom to generate variants for each component according to their needs. While predefined variants are provided as examples, they can be modified or new ones can be added to align with the specific requirements of each project.
We have set this predefined style for quick use. Access them through the variant prop:
<SelectorBoxFile containerBoxStateContent={{ ['DEFAULT']: { icon: { icon: 'ICON_GHOST' }, actionText: { content: 'Browse and select a file' }, description: { content: 'and upload it here' }, }, ['LOADING']: { icon: { icon: 'ICON_CLOUD_UPLOAD' }, actionText: { content: 'Cancel upload' },
Basic component
For its basic function the containerBoxStateContent is required. It set the basic text and content so the user can easily use it. A title, subtitle, and description should be set for a correct understanding.
<SelectorBoxFile containerBoxStateContent={{ ['DEFAULT']: { icon: { icon: 'ICON_GHOST' }, actionText: { content: 'Browse and select a file' }, description: { content: 'and upload it here' }, }, ['LOADING']: { icon: { icon: 'ICON_CLOUD_UPLOAD' }, actionText: { content: 'Cancel upload' },
Also, a button and a tooltip can be add when more complex information is necessary.
<SelectorBoxFile button={{ content: 'Link description', icon: { icon: 'ICON_PLACEHOLDER', altText: 'altText' }, iconPosition: 'LEFT', }} containerBoxStateContent={{ ['DEFAULT']: { icon: { icon: 'ICON_GHOST' }, actionText: { content: 'Browse and select a file' },
If DISABLED is TRUE it means that is a non interactive component.
<SelectorBoxFile containerBoxStateContent={{ ['DEFAULT']: { icon: { icon: 'ICON_GHOST' }, actionText: { content: 'Browse and select a file' }, description: { content: 'and upload it here' }, }, ['LOADING']: { icon: { icon: 'ICON_CLOUD_UPLOAD' }, actionText: { content: 'Cancel upload' },
If ERROR is TRUE the component will communicate that something is not right. The type of error and the form of solving should be communicate through the errorMessage prop. Also, an errorMessageIcon can be set for further visual alert.
<SelectorBoxFile containerBoxStateContent={{ ['DEFAULT']: { icon: { icon: 'ICON_GHOST' }, actionText: { content: 'Browse and select a file' }, description: { content: 'and upload it here' }, }, ['LOADING']: { icon: { icon: 'ICON_CLOUD_UPLOAD' }, actionText: { content: 'Cancel upload' },
If MULTIPLE is TRUE the user will be able to upload more than one file.
<SelectorBoxFile containerBoxStateContent={{ ['DEFAULT']: { icon: { icon: 'ICON_GHOST' }, actionText: { content: 'Browse and select a file' }, description: { content: 'and upload it here' }, }, ['LOADING']: { icon: { icon: 'ICON_CLOUD_UPLOAD' }, actionText: { content: 'Cancel upload' },
File specifications
maxSize: this prop sets the maximum size of the uploaded files can be settle in mb.
fileExtension: the allowed extensions of the files can be set as an array.
<SelectorBoxFile containerBoxStateContent={{ ['DEFAULT']: { icon: { icon: 'ICON_GHOST' }, actionText: { content: 'Browse and select a file' }, description: { content: 'and upload it here' }, }, ['LOADING']: { icon: { icon: 'ICON_CLOUD_UPLOAD' }, actionText: { content: 'Cancel upload' },