get started
v.1.0.0 | SaturnLearn how to use Kubit Web Components in your project.
After installing the package, add the Kubit theme provider. This is needed to be done only once in your application.
KubitProvider has the default theme already set up.
import { KubitProvider } from '@kubit-ui-web/react-components';
const App = () => { <KubitProvider> <Route /> </KubitProvider>; };
Later, we will show how to add custom themes.
Now, you are ready to go:
import { Button } from '@kubit-ui-web/react-components'; const Route = () => { <Button variant="DEFAULT">Click me!</Button>; };
Kubit Web Components have a default theme that you can customize to fit your visual design's project.
If you are using Kubit Web Components in a React project, you need to wrap your app with the ThemeProvider component.
import { ThemeProvider, KUBIT_STYLES } from '@kubit-ui-web/react-components'; const CUSTOM_STYLES = { ...KUBIT_STYLES, colors: { ...KUBIT_STYLES.colors, primary: '#ff0000', }, };
More information about theming can be found here.