v.1.0.0 | SaturnSelector that allows the user to choose between all the available options.
Play with the component with our playground.

Name | Description |
1 Required | width height |
2 Required | The label can represent search terms, filters, or keywords. It can be text or numbers. |
3 | Defines the clickable area of the component _border_ _border_50_. |
4 | It helps to quickly understand the meaning of the action. Left icon will be decorative. |
5 | Check icon will be shown when the pill is selected. |

DefaultA default state communicates an interactive component or element.

SelectedSelected state communicates a component or element is being selected. Check icon is used when is selected state.

Disabled unselectedA disabled state communicates a non interactive component or element.

Disabled selectedA disabled state communicates a non interactive component or element.

Keyboard focusA keyboard focus state communicates when a user has highlighted an element, using an input method such as a keyboard or voice.

No iconIcons are optional elements and can be hidden.

With decorative iconVariants with decorative icon can be used when you need to give more information.

L (48px)General used option.

S (40px)It is used in places where space can be a bit tight.

XS (32px)It is used in places where space can be tighter.
- 2 lines pills
Pills can move to a second line respecting the vertical padding of 16px when there are more than the width of the container.

- Simple selection
In the simple selection, only one option can be selected. If you select one and then another, the last one will be deselected.

- Multiple selection
In the multiple selection, more than one option can be selected.

Do's and dont's

The size of the pills cannot be different in the same selection

Use lower case text.

Use capital letter text.

Long texts can provide information that is not very concise and may lose the user's attention.

The minimum number of characters is two.