v.1.0.0 | SaturnComponents
Play with the component with our playground.

Name | Description |
1 Required | The Loading animation is displayed on page load to provide feedback to the user while data is being retrieved. |
2 Required | The Loading animation is displayed on page load to provide feedback to the user while data is being retrieved. |

How the Circle growsThe circular atom can grow proportionally to the size we need, keeping the same height and width.

How the Rectangle growsThe square atom is fluid and can grow vertically and horizontally in any direction, having different heights and widths.


Simple Circle

Simple Rectangle

Rectangle to simulate simple line

Rectangles to simulate repetition of lines, lists or rowsRectangles to simulate repetition of lines, lists or rows

Rectangle with custom height to simulate paragraph or custom contains

Rectangles to simulate icon + text

Rectangle with custom height to simulate paragraph or custom contains
Do's and dont's

Use the Primary loader on light color background.